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FAQ: Forum Guidelines
What are the guidelines for posting messages to the forum?
When posting to the Patriot Guard Riders forum I would like everyone to consider these guidelines.

1. This forum is not provided to be a political soapbox. Any hot button threads as deemed by moderators after a panel review may be deleted.

2. Even though we have an off topic section, please remember why we are here. I always look at the mission statement each day before beginning my mod duties to remind myself. With that being said, off topic subjects that you wouldn't want your mother or child to see should probably not be posted and will most likely be deleted.

3. The deletion process is not at the whim of any of the moderator team. When a thread has become questionable it is first moved to a non viewable area for moderator and national officers' review. After consideration by said people, it is either deleted or edited and placed back for public consumption.

4. Threads that are deemed dead horses will not be deleted but locked for further viewing by new members as long as the above guidelines were not violated.

5. POSTS that are deemed not in line with these guidelines can be either edited with an explanation as to why and the moderator who edited; OR deleted with an email to the poster as to why it was deleted with the National team cc'd on the email for complete transparency.

6. There are millions of sites on the internet for political debate and off color humor. Please respect this site as if it were your home, better yet, it is your home so treat it as such.

7. This site is viewable by ANYONE AND EVERYONE. This populace includes the families of our fallen warriors to include their CHILDREN. The military CAOs are also given the site address in consideration of forwarding our services to the bereaved families. The media is also plugged in to our site. And I don't need to remind you that 'they' can also view the site. Please keep this in mind.

8. Sending in mission pics should be zipped and at a manageable filesize, i.e. probably no larger than 4mb per email just to be safe. Also, if you include pics of the casket, you MUST annotate that the pics have family approval or they will not be published. Send your pic files clearly labeled as to which mission to

In closing I would like to say the number one rule you should remember when posting here is culled from our mission statement available on the home page:

Number one rule: Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities. Thank you, each and every one of you for being a Patriot Guard Rider.



Centex Region Forum Moderator
Patriot Guard Riders



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