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 | Could This Be You This Summer? |  |
 | You may have already read the "Safety Articles" Gerry "Rocketman" Lowrey, 3%, In-Country MC,�secured�and posted�for us.� I'm adding the links to those articles here because they will soon slide off the list at the side of the website. If you haven't read them or don't want to, at least be aware that the summer heat creates great health and safety concerns for us as we ride and stand in flaglines for hours.
THIS IS IMPORTANT STUFF.� If not for you, then for the lady or gentleman standing next to you in line or riding next to you on the road.
Some more really good to know information: THIS may be old, but it is still valid!
From: Gould, Christopher E SFC MIL USA Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 10:41 AM To: MGregory2 Subject: Memorial Day Weekend 2010 motorcycle.pptx
� Could you please share this with our fellow riders?� This is a Safety brief I made for the riders in my unit for this long weekend.
�With all of the activities that should be happening this weekend (Freedom Rally Run) the more people we encourage to ride safe the more we can save from harm.

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 | Comments |  |
on 06/27/2009 21:25:25
Thanks for reminding us about the dangers of the weather. |
on 06/30/2009 00:19:25
Mare....Get up outta the gutter....You have an Image to uphold ya know... |
on 06/30/2009 08:07:08
I know TC, but if you cannot poke fun at yourself, who can you poke fun at?! BTW: That was the infamous time I "went down" (without a bike) at the VFW in Burnett on the way to the Armed Forces Day Rally in Llano. Dub snuck my camera away while I was dazed and confused. LOL |
on 06/30/2009 09:45:51
Just ribbin ya Mare. I saw that picture the day of the Rally here in Llano and knew right away what the deal was. Dub was "quick on the trigger" that day. Maybe you should consider promoting him to "Official Cen Tex PGR Photographer".  |
on 06/30/2009 13:59:56
Hey now THATS an idear TC!  |
on 07/07/2009 19:03:10
Mare, Taking a break, eh? Seriously now, I'm glad that you recovered.
And Dub, thanks for taking that shot.... not just to make fun of Mare, but also as reminder that we do need to be careful and that the heat can get to everyone. And this year it's been lousy hot so far.
Let's all stay safe.  |
on 07/17/2009 07:04:58
Nora you're such a cutie-pie! |
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